
Hirukide es la Federación de Asociaciones de Familias Numerosas de Euskadi. Aglutina a las asociaciones de cada territorio (Hirukide Araba, Hirukide Bizkaia y Hirukide Gipuzkoa).

Las familias numerosas somos aquellas que tenemos 3 hijos o más (o dos siendo uno de ellos discapacitado) y en Euskadi somos más de 23.300 familias. En la actualidad la Federación reúne más de 8.000 familias asociadas (unos 44.000 socios/as).

Su objetivo es defender los derechos de las familias con hijos e hijas en general y del colectivo de familias numerosas en particular en todos los ámbitos de la vida institucional, social, mediática y empresarial.

Nekatur ofrece un descuento del 10% a los/as socios/as de Hirukide en estancias en los alojamientos adheridos a la oferta y bajo las condiciones indicadas.

Condiciones específicas del nekaDESCUENTO NEKATUR

Se aplican las condiciones generales para esta oferta.

Condiciones generales de la oferta

  • It will be obligatory for beneficiaries to identify themselves with the corresponding accreditation of the group/entity in order to be eligible for discount.
  • 10% and 15% discounts applicable for stays of 2 nights in the low season (2 consecutive nights in the same establishment).
  • Low season is all the year round except: Easter, long weekends, bank holidays, summer (from the 15th June to the 15th September), Christmas (from the 23rd December to the 7th January).
  • Accommodation can be for the weekend or during the week.
  • The discount only applies to the accommodation and not to any other service (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, extra beds, etc.).
  • The discount offered to each beneficiary will be in accordance with the rent modality stipulated
    • In the case of rent per room, the discount will be valid for the room in which the beneficiary stays and is not applicable to any other possible rooms that may have been reserved.
    • In the case of rent per apartment or per complete house, the discount will be valid in the rent of the room officially approved by the establishment without taking into account extra rooms.
  • Discounts are not cumulative. That is, two beneficiaries who sleep in the same room or rent an apartment or complete house will not obtain a double discount.
  • This discount is only valid in accommodations which adhere to this offer and to each of the discount rates.
  • In the list of establishments included in this offer it will be pointed out in which modality the discount will be applied in each accommodation and also whether there are any specific conditions.
  • These offers will be valid from the 1st January, 2023 to the 31st December, 2023
  • Discounts will be applied in the establishment on payment of the total amount for the stay.
  • When making the reservation, the beneficiary must inform the owner that he/she wishes to take advantage of the offer
  • If the reservation is made through the Nekatur website, indicate in the "Remarks" section the interest in applying the discount and which group you belong to.

Each accommodation making this offer is responsible for applying the discount indicated under the previously stipulated conditions.


26 resultats

Allotjament accessible
Detail 1  country house in Alavaterrace farm house izarrate in alavadetail 3 farm house izarrate in alavaentry 1 farm house izarrate in alavaentry 2 farm house izarrate in alavadetail 4 farm house izarrate in alavaliving room farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 1 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 2 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 3 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 4 farm house izarrate in Alavakitchen farm house izarrate in Alavadetail 5 farm house izarrate in alavadoble room farm house izarrate in Alavadoble bedroom 1 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble room farm 2 house izarrate in Alavacoat rack farm house izarrate in alavabathroom farm house izarrate in Alavadetail 6 farm house izarrate in alavaliving room 5 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 6 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 7 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 8 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 9 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 10 farm house izarrate in Alavakitchen 1 farm house izarrate in Alavakitchen 2 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble room 3 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble room 4 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble room 5 farm house izarrate in Alavabathroom 1 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble room 6 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble room 7 farm house izarrate in Alavabathroom 2 farm house izarrate in Alavabathroom 3 farm house izarrate in Alavadetail 7 farm house izarrate in alavacorridor farm house izarrate in alavaliving room 12 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 11 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 13 farm house izarrate in Alavaliving room 14 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble bedroom 8 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble bedroom 9 farm house izarrate in Alavawindow farm house izarrate in alavabathroom 4 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble bedroom 10 farm house izarrate in Alavadoble bedroom 11 farm house izarrate in Alavabathroom 5 farm house izarrate in Alavabathroom 6 farm house izarrate in Alavastairs farm house izarrate in alavastairs 1 farm house izarrate in alavadinning room farm house izarrate in Alavaloft farm house izarrate in alavaloft 1 farm house izarrate in alavaloft 4 farm house izarrate in alavaloft 2 farm house izarrate in alavaloft 3 farm house izarrate in alavaenvironment farm house izarrate in alavalandscape farm house izarrate in Alavaoutside 4 farm house izarrate in Alavamural farm house izarrate in alavadetail 2 farm house izarrate in alavaentry farm house izarrate in alavaoutside farm house izarrate in Alavadetail farm house izarrate in alavaTree farm house Izarrate in Alava


Apellániz / apilaiz/Alava | Araba

Agroturisme: 12 Personas + 12 Llits supletoris

Des de 99,00 € en apartament

Descompte vàlid per a:

Allotjament accessible
Main entrance guest home La corchea in Elciego, Alavaliving-room APARTAMENTO guest home La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaapartment hab.2 country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaapartment 8 country house el ciego in Alavaterraza TROMPETA country house Elciego in Alavaenvironment 1 guest home Elciego in Alavaenvironment 2 guest home el ciego in Alavaenvironment guest home el ciego in Alavaapartment baño1 country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaapartment 5 country house La Corchea, Elciego in Alavaapartment hab.1 country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaapartment 7 country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaapartment 6 country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaapartment baño1 country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaapartment hab.3 country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavadoble room 2 SAXOFON guest home La Corchea in Elciego, Alavabathroom country house La Corchea in Elciego, Alavadoble room CLARINETE guest home La Corchea in Elciego, Alavadoble room BOMBARDINO guest home La Corchea in Elciego, Alavaliving-room APARTAMENTO farm house La corchea in Araba

La Corchea

Elciego/Alava | Araba

Casa rural: 12 Personas + 6 Llits supletoris

Des de 65,00 € en habitació

Descompte vàlid per a:

Allotjament accessibleDonen dinars i sopars.
facade country house aranburu in Gipuzkoaentrance country house aranburu in Gipuzkoaoutside country house aranburu in Gipuzkoalandscape country house aranburu in GipuzkoaDetail guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoafacade 2 guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoageneral views guest home aranburu in GipuzkoaEntrance guest home aranburu in GipuzkoaFacade  guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoaentrance 2 guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room guest home aranburu in GipuzkoaBathroom  guest home aranburu in GipuzkoaLiving room guest home aranbuiru in Gipuzkoawine guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoastairs guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoabathroom guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoadining room guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoadining room 2 bar guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoafacade  guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoaanimals guest gome aranburu in Gipuzkoafacade guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoafacade guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoabathroom guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoafacade guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room 3 guest home aranburu in GipuzkoaBathroom  guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoabathroom guest home Aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room 4 guest home Aranburu in GipuzkoaBathroom  guest home aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room 5 guest home Aranburu in GipuzkoaDoble room 6 guest home Aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room 6 guest home Aranburu in Gipuzkoadoble room 7 guest home Aranburu in Gipuzkoabathroom guest home Aranburu in Gipuzkoa



Casa rural: 12 Personas + 6 Llits supletoris

Des de 44,00 € en habitació

Descompte vàlid per a: