Diversidades funcionales

A nivel general, cada diversidad funcional y cada elemento que influye en ella se valora en tres niveles: ACCESIBLE, MODERADAMENTE ACCESIBLE O PRACTICABLE y NO ACCESIBLE. Para diferenciar estos tres niveles se ha optado por la identificación de cada uno de ellos con un color, verde, ámbar y rojo.


Cumple todos los criterios que exige el modelo de acesibilidad turística de Euskadi para que todas las personas con diversidad funcional puedan acceder y hacer uso del establecimiento de forma autónoma.


Cumple la mayor parte de los criterios del modelo de accesibilidad turística de Euskadi de forma que la mayoría de las personas con diversidad funcional podrán acceder y hacer uso del establecimiento de forma autónoma.

No accesible

No cumple con la mayor parte de los criterios de accesibilidad turística de Euskadi.


Access from outdoors

Concept defined by the possibility of accessing or entering the evaluated establishment and in which factors such as the external environment, the threshold and the entrance or access to the lobby are taken into account.

The flooring is appropriate
There are no stairs
There are no ramps

  • Zabalera: 90 cm
  • Easy to open



Criteria that evaluate the greater or lesser degree of usability, comfort and safety in each and every one of the lodgings or services offered by this type of establishment, evaluating their adaptation to the regulations.


  • Not accessible

Hygienic bathrooms and toilets

  • Not accessible


  • Not accessible

Common areas

  • Accessible


Bathrooms, hygienic spaces

Criteria that define the internal characteristics of the bathrooms and hygienic services inside the rooms in concepts such as: access to interior space, technical assistance or safety.


  • Width: 60 cm
  • Opening direction
  • Interior

Turning space: 87 cm
The flooring is nonslip
Wash basin

  • Model tapwork
  • Swivel
  • Height: 88 cm
  • Has free space underneath
  • Depth: 64 cm
  • Height: 80 cm


  • Height: 40 cm
  • Lateral space: 0 cm
  • Does not have lateral bars
  • Cistern pushbutton type: Pushbutton


  • Height of lower edge: 102 cm


  • It is not flush
  • Dimensions {80 x 80} cm
  • There is no folding seat or shower chair
  • There are not enough bars
  • There is no alarm system that meets regulations

Horizontal movement

Criteria that define the mobility inside the evaluated establishment in terms of the characteristics of the floor or pavement and in terms of the linearity of movement over the horizontal plane, without steps or dips.


  • Smooth

The flooring is nonslip


Concept that defines the characteristics of the private lodging area (preferably an adapted room and if there is none, that which is most suited to the purpose), covering the access, interior circulation, distribution of furniture and accesses to bathrooms and terraces.

Number of romos: 4
No. reserved for physical functional diversity: 0
No. reserved for sensorial functional diversity: 0

  • Ground floor


  • Width: 70 cm


  • Space beside bed 70 cm
  • Space at foot of bed 150 cm
  • Height of bed 54 cm
  • Has switches at side of bed
  • Does not have alarm system in the room


  • Not accessible

There is no sensory information reinforcement system
Does not have automatic home systems

Vertical movement

Criteria that define the possibility of accessing different floors using stairs, ramps, lifts or platforms. These will only affect the evaluation when it is essential to use these elements to enter accessible spaces or spaces that are essential to use.

There is no lift

  • Width: 85 cm
  • Has riser
  • Have convex moulding
  • Does not have rail
  • There is no landing

There are no ramps


Tactile orientation

There is no touch orientation system

Visual orientation

Criteria that evaluate the existence of elements that facilitate orientation and the movement of persons with visual problems. The existence, characteristics and distribution of the signage and information posters, covering the chromatic contrast in interior spaces, will be evaluated.

There are indications

  • Good orientation

Contrast between doors and walls, walls and floors, switches..... is adequate


Auditory orientation

There is written or visual information

  • There is visual information

Staff do not understand sign language or do not have contact with a sign language interpreter

Technical elements

  • There are no text telephones

Induction systems

  • There is no magnetic loop
  • There is no infrared
  • There are no audible beacons



Visual orientation

Criteria that evaluate the existence of elements that facilitate orientation and the movement of persons with visual problems. The existence, characteristics and distribution of the signage and information posters, covering the chromatic contrast in interior spaces, will be evaluated.

There are indications

  • Good orientation

Contrast between doors and walls, walls and floors, switches..... is adequate


Rooms for persons with breathing difficulties

Criteria that evaluate the existence of specially adapted rooms for persons with breathing problems (allergies, respiratory failure, COPD, etc)

There is no room for persons with respiratory problems