facade farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoa

Perlakua Saka


Erakutsi mapan


Nekazalturismoa Nekazalturismoa

Ahalmena: 16 Pertsonak

  • 6 Logelak:
    • - 6 Logela bikoitz komunarekin
  • 1 Apartamendua:
    • - 1 Apartamendua 4 PAX
  • Taldeentzat egokia 12 PAX
Praktika OnakEkoturismoa
Calidad turistica

Ostalariaren egoera

Same house but with independent entrance


Spanish, Basque.

Ostalariak nabarmentzen du

Attention | Decoration | Treatment

Ordainketa modua:



Ahalmena: 16 Pertsonak

  • 6 Logelak:
    • - 6 Logela bikoitz komunarekin
  • 1 Apartamendua:
    • - 1 Apartamendua 4 PAX
  • Taldeentzat egokia 12 PAX


Bedroom - 2 single beds

Bainua: 1 bathroom

Logelaren prezioa 66€tik aurrera


Bedroom - 1 double bed

Bainua: 1 bathroom

facade farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoa

Logelaren prezioa 66€tik aurrera


Apartamendua 4 pax

1 Bainua

facade farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoa

Apartamentuaren prezioa 140€tik aurrera

Whole house option

6 x

Etxe osoa / taldeentzat egokia 12 pax

6 Bainuak

dining room farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoalandscape farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoabathroom farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoalandscape farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoaoutside farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoafacade farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoadouble room farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoadouble room farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoadouble room farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoadouble room farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoaliving room farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoaliving room farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoaterrace farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoaterrace farm house perlakua saka in Gipuzkoa

Etxe osoaren prezioa 432€tik aurrera

Zerbitzuak eta ezaugarriak


Breakfast per person 6 €tik aurrera

Dinner per person Kontsultatu

Kitchen use (per room / day) 6 €tik aurrera

Wifi Doan

Beste zerbitzu batzuk

Pago en metálico

Credit cards accepted

Euskadi gastronomika

Panoramic views - field


Onartutako animaliak: ANIMALS (No)

Ezinduentzako egokitutako lekuak: BATHROOMS, LIVING ROOM, ROOMS ON THE GROUND FLOOR

Geletara sarbidea: Aparkalekua, Logela bikoitza (2 ohe) komunarekin (1), Beheko solairuan

Nekazaritza-jarduerak: Vegetable garden, Cut the grass, Grass pick up

Abeltzaintza-jarduerak: Vegetable garden, Cut the grass, Grass pick up

Animaliak: Shees, Cowes, Horses, Goats, Dogs, Bulls, Ponies

Enpresetan espezializatuta: Interneterako lotura, Wifi

Haurrentzako espezialitateak: Joko gela, Kanpo haur-jolaslekua, Animaliak


Perlakua Saka is in the Arriola district, set between hills with magnificen views of the sea and of the town of Deba. The country house is a former stock farm, ´Marques de Saka´ which existed from 1897 and is now owned by the Arrizabalaga family, who, keeping up the traditional tasks of cattle raisi...ng, provide an important selection of bulls for festivities in Gipuzkoa, Vizkaya and Navarre. Perlakua country house has been refurbished to provide for rural tourism, with a bar and restaurant, whilst keeping all its rustic charm with a series of rafters, combining wood, stone and brick, and improvements to the surrounding area. Access to the Perlakua rural tourism division is independent. There are six double rooms with bathroom and TV, one of which is suitable for disabled people. There is also a lounge with TV and hearth and a cosy sitting room, both for exclusive use by costumers. Worthy of note is the fact that all the furniture in the house was recovered and restored by the female owner. Breakfast, lunch and evening meals in the Saka restaurant, with home produced ingredients. The leisure activities available in the rural tourism division and surrounding area are numerous: there are interesting woods, walks, hikes, panoramic views and the nearby beaches of Deba, Mutriku and Zumaia.



Zer ikusi eta egin


Bridle paths

Bridle paths

5 Km

Public swimming pool

Public swimming pool

5 Km



5 Km



In Situ



5 Km

Cheese factory

Cheese factory

5 Km



5 Km

Interesting historical sight

Interesting historical sight

5 Km

Cave research

Cave research

5 Km

Wing delta flight

Wing delta flight

5 Km

Sports ground

Sports ground

5 Km

Pelota court

Pelota court

< 1 Km

Soccer ground

Soccer ground

5 Km

Basketball court

Basketball court

5 Km

Golf ground

Golf ground

5 Km



5 Km



5 Km



5 Km

Camino de santiago

Camino de santiago

In Situ



5 Km

Underaquatic sports

Underaquatic sports

5 Km

Interesting religious site

Interesting religious site

5 Km

Megalithico monument

Megalithico monument

5 Km



5 Km

Water routes

Water routes

5 Km



5 Km

Bailabide Turistikoak

Parke naturala