Dates and guests
Types of lodgings available
Preferences for your stay
Dates and guests
Arrival Arrival date:
Departure Departure date:
Adults Adults: + 14 years
Children Children: 2 to 14 years
Babies Babies: 0 to 2 years
Your details
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Dates and guests
Arrival Arrival date:
Departure Departure date:
Adults Adults: + 14 years
Children Children: 2 to 14 years
Babies Babies: 0 to 2 years
Tax data: J20805966 - Arraspiñe, S.C. - Iraultza Bidea 20, Santiago Mendi, 20115, Astigarraga, Gipuzkoa - 695757341 - - If there is a cancellation: No charge if more than 31 days', 5% of the penalty charge - Between 16 and 30 days beforehand, 50% of the penalty charge - Between 0 and 15 days beforehand, 100% of the penalty charge